Toddler Bed Transition


The dreaded toddler bed transitioning begins tonight eeeep. Shaun and I decided to put the conversion kit on Chet’s cot this morning in a desperate attempt to retrieve our own bed. It hasn’t always been this way in fact, Chet was an incredible (I mean seriously amazing) sleeper from the beginning. I’ll fill you in on Chet’s sleeping patterns very briefly. From around 3 weeks old he slept through. From about 4 months he was sleeping through for a consistent 12 hours per night and at around 9 months he would self settle to sleep by himself. Recently we took a holiday trip to Victoria and Qld… from that very moment he absolutely refuses to sleep in a cot for more than 2 hours. To get a couple of (much needed) hours rest over East we had to bring him in to our bed so when we returned home this is all he wants now. Please don’t get me wrong I love having Chet in our bed especially when Shaun is away at work. The nights are filled with lots more cuddles and kisses however, it becomes hard when dadda returns home because there is not enough room for us all to sleep comfortably.


If you have a spare minute I would love, love, love to hear how you transitioned your little human into a toddler bed. Chet is 21months old and since our holiday has reverted back to being rocked/ patted to sleep. Every experience is different so I’m looking forward to reading your advice, trying some new techniques and hopefully giving Chet the smoothest possible transition. Of course if it doesn’t work out, the positive is more darling cuddles throughout winter in our bed.

I hope you’re all having a lovely weekend so far and please wiiiiish usssss luuuuck.

T x


Published by

Tarina Wood

Just an ordinary, creative girl who is interior obsessed and crazy about her little family.

11 thoughts on “Toddler Bed Transition

  1. My now 2 yr and 3 month old still co sleeps with us. Like Chet she was a great sleeper and was in her own cot from 3 months (transitioned from bassinet to cot) however got really ill at 11 months, we put her in our bed until she recovered and that was the end. She never went back to her cot. She only falls asleep if i am beside her and she twirls my hair. I tried putting dolls beside her to replace my hair but nothing work. So like you, anyones ideas and stories will help.


  2. We made the transition when our daughter was 2yrs 2 mths but went straight into a toddler bed (Mother’s choice brand) because our littlest needed the cot. We made a big fuss of her getting a big girl bed and got her so excited about it that she would tell everyone she saw about how she is getting a big girl bed. Then I gave her the option of which bed she slept in each day and after only two days she asked me if she could sleep in her new bed. She has slept in it ever since and still we make a big deal out of it by saying ‘oh my gosh, did you sleep in your big girl bed… Very exciting!’.
    I have heard it can be tough though, so I think we had it easy. Get a routine going by getting him to get in bed and read him a story before saying good night. Praise him for sleeping in there and get him to tell everyone about his new big boy bed. Hopefully he will then get excited about it each night. Good luck!


  3. Hi T,
    My son has always been a rubbish sleeper so nighttime shenanigans is my normal… We ended up putting a mattress on the floor in his room (then eventually a single bed…begone silly toddler bed!) and resettling him there every time he came into us. It has worked for us that his comfort is in his room, in his bed, rather than ours. I don’t miss the cuddles, (read: kicking and strangling) I get plenty of that during the day! My son is now 3, and stays in his own bed. If he needs us, he will call out.
    It’s not easy. But worth it.
    I hope that helps.


  4. We had this same situation with our eldest. Great sleeper from a young age and self settled. Then life turned upside down. Our house got flooded so we stayed with my parents for a while. Whilst there little Miss (21months) tried to climb out of the cot, fell and broke her arm. Once the cast was off we took a trip to Tasmania for two weeks and like you, she ended up in our bed most days. On return from holidays we moved back home and the cot was out of the question after the broken arm. We had to lie in bed with her for hours to get her to sleep. I was pregnant with bub #2 so we were desperate for a solution. In the end we went with a tough love route and had to shut the bedroom door 😦 She fell asleep behind the door a couple of times which I felt so bad about but we never had a problem again.
    I hope you find a solution that works for you xx


  5. Hi Tarina, I hate giving parenting advice as each child is different but I see from your insta post today that you are still having trouble with Chet sleeping! I thought this may be something you could try?? We used Tizzi Hall’s ‘Save Our Sleep’ book, it has a section in there called the ‘Lay down approach’ – for the toddler age and all about creating self settlers. I’m not going to lie, it may pull at your heart strings a little – but there is also a certain time that you can go in a cuddle too. It took two nights for us, I hope that it may work for you! x


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